Mevrouw Chanta Sun

Photo 707117
Domiciliée à Mechelen (2800, Belgique)
Née à Muang Prachin Buri (25000, Thaïlande) le vendredi 25 mars 1983
Décédée à Edegem (2650, Belgique) le jeudi 3 février 2022 à l'âge de 38 ans
Epouse de Mevrouw Josien van Der Plas

Herdenkingsruimte « rouwbetuiging » 

Cet espace condoléances a été créé le lundi 7 février 2022.

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9 messages (8 privés)  

There are no words to describe the ache, the pain, or the sadness, one feels when someone you love passes…be that person a close friend, a family member, or a spouse.
I had the honor and privilege to call Chanta a close friend and a member of my heart family. The spot she holds is dark now filled only with happy memories from the first time she, Josy, and I met face to face to the laughter we shared going after elite beasts in a game we both loved and enjoyed. Her smile and laughter will be sorely missed, but never, never forgotten.
To Josy and Chanta’s family – my heart aches along with yours during this time and through I cannot stand beside you on the mortal plane, my spirit is at your side for now and always.
I will miss you Chanta.

Della Buckland- 08-02-22