Monsieur Philippe HIPPERT

Resident at Vitry-le-François (51300, France)
Born in Vitry-le-François (51300, France) on 10 May 1962
Died in Bar-le-Duc (55000, France) on 19 July 2024 at the age of 62 years
Spouse of Madame Martine HIPPERT

Espace « condoléances » 

This condolence space was created on 20 July 2024.

32 messages (30 private)

Sincères condoléances ( Colette et Pascal braconnier)

Pascal Braconnier- 23/07/2024

Personal testimony 

Sincères condoléances à toute la famille en ce triste moment...

Dominique Pruvost- 23/07/2024